Welcome Etsehiwot
Welcome Etsehiwot As of Tuesday, January 7, Etsehiwot Semreab Tiruneh has joined the Department of Economics, Umeå University, and Umeå… -
New report from Tillväxtanalys
The cost of electricity supply interruptions and value of lost load in Swedish electricity intensive industrial plants This study highlights… -
New major reference work with major involvement from CERE
New major reference work (MRW) out on Elsevier with vital CERE contributions both in terms of editorial leadership and authorship.… -
New report on the climate transition and effects on industry
The report ”Climate Transition and Industry”* examines how Swedish industry is affected by the climate transition. It summarizes how different… -
CERE seminars
The autumn seminar schedule can be found here. The CERE seminars are marked in green. https://sites.google.com/view/usbeeconseminars/hem -
Flygskatten beskattade inte utsläppen
Den flygskatt som försvinner 1 juli 2025 beskattar flygstolar och därmed passagerare och inte de utsläpp som planen släpper ut.…

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