Welcome Etsehiwot As of Tuesday, January 7, Etsehiwot Semreab Tiruneh has joined the Department of Economics, Umeå University, and Umeå…

Kategori: Nyhet
New report from Tillväxtanalys
The cost of electricity supply interruptions and value of lost load in Swedish electricity intensive industrial plants This study highlights…
New major reference work with major involvement from CERE
New major reference work (MRW) out on Elsevier with vital CERE contributions both in terms of editorial leadership and authorship.…
New report on the climate transition and effects on industry
The report ”Climate Transition and Industry”* examines how Swedish industry is affected by the climate transition. It summarizes how different…
CERE seminars
The autumn seminar schedule can be found here. The CERE seminars are marked in green. https://sites.google.com/view/usbeeconseminars/hem
Flygskatten beskattade inte utsläppen
Den flygskatt som försvinner 1 juli 2025 beskattar flygstolar och därmed passagerare och inte de utsläpp som planen släpper ut.…
A letter from Alice, who visited CERE in May
This summer, Alice Turinawe from Uganda visited colleagues in the SLU projects Drylands Transformation and Restore4More. She also gave a…
Second joint CERE-LTU winter workshop
For the second time CERE co-arranged its winter workshop with the environmental economics group at Luleå University of Technology (LTU).…
Ulvön 2024
The 30th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics is scheduled for June 18-20! We’re currently in the midst of planning and…
Funding from Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS):
We are thrilled that Hanna Lindström and Göran Bostedt, CERE, have received funding from the Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS) for…