Elområde 2 löper från Robertsfors och Vindelfjällen i norr till Gävle i söder

Plenty of electricity in Northern Sweden – but sharing it is diffificult

Electricity price area 2 (wherein Västerbotten belongs) produces 33 percent of the electricity in Sweden but only use 12 percent.However, sharing is problematic because of bottle necks in the power grid and much of the power is lost in transport. Adding on more wind power could help solve some of the issues with access to electricity in southern Sweden, but an unpopular method in the municipalities.

Bengt Kriström is interviewed in Västerbottenskuriren “Elen flödar från Norrland” November 1st, 2022 about the results from a report from Growth Analysis on electrification and Europeanisation ”Elektrifiering och europeisering: En samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys med fokus på elintensiv verksamhet“.

More information on the Swedish page